Our Services

For almost 38 years, our law firm has resolved legal matters for our clients in a variety of practice areas and in a variety of locations. Mr. Baghdady is admitted to practice law in the states of South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and New York. Mr. Baghdady is also a member of the local Miami Dade Bar Association and the New York City Bar Association. His degree of qualifications has allowed us to assist clients from New York to Miami, as well as those from South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

 Practice Areas

  • Our firm helps our clients reorganize their financial lives.

    We assist our clients with Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.

    We help our clients save their property and relieve them from the oppression of crushing debts, title loans, and the never ending cycle of "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul."

  • Our firm also helps our clients resolve disputes and obtain justice through the judicial system when there is just no other way.

    We help clients on both sides of lawsuits as Plaintiffs or Defendants and, when necessary, on to the Appellate Courts as Petitioners or Respondents.

  • A Bachelor of Science in Economics with a concentration in finance from the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce of the University of Pennsylvania laid the foundation for Attorney Baghdady's business law practice.

    For almost 30 years, our firm has helped our clients with many business law matters. Contact us to learn how we may be able to help you too.

  • Residential and commercial real estate are vital components of life in America.

    Our firm helps our clients buy, sell, lease, and mortgage properties. We have even assisted developers in converting real estate into condominiums.

  • Death and taxes are nearly certain occurances in our lives.

    Our law firm helps clients plan for these life issues as well as assist them through the process when necessary.

  • Our law firm has helped individuals from abroad obtain their permanent residence here in America.

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